Pink bouquet with NICI Mielo Teddy
This enchanting pink bouquet of flowers with the cute NICI Mielo teddy is the ideal gift idea for special occasions, such as birthdays or the birth of a child. The bouquet is put together with love by our experienced florists and is a charming mix of intense and delicate pink tones.
Special note:
The sweet NICI Mielo Teddy is lovingly integrated directly into the bouquet of flowers and provides a special surprise. The soft, cuddly teddy is a high-quality stuffed toy from NICI and is ideal as a souvenir gift for the little ones or as a loving detail for a birthday.
The flowers in our bouquets may slightly differ from the depicted arrangement depending on the season, as we prefer to use regional and seasonal cut flowers. The bouquets are delivered in seasonal packaging and do not come with a vase.