Red roses with greenery
Discover the timeless elegance of the Red Naomi Rose, complemented by fresh green, and bring passion and beauty to any occasion. These exceptional red roses are available in variations of 9, 12 or 15 roses and are perfect for a variety of occasions, be it romantic occasions, anniversaries or as an expression of appreciation and affection.
The Red Naomi Rose is known for its large, fully bloomed flower head and the impressive number of up to 80 velvety petals. Its deep, bright red radiates passion and love, while its delicate, sweet scent seduces the senses. The freshly arranged green complements the roses harmoniously and gives the bouquet a lively freshness that perfectly rounds off the overall picture.
Whether as a gift for a loved one or to decorate a special event - the Red Naomi Rose with Green is guaranteed to attract everyone's attention and ensure unforgettable moments.
The roses are packaged seasonally and delivered without a vase.