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Herkunft Blumen
Central Asia


Buttercup family


Flowering time
April June

Standort Blumen
Warm, partially shaded

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Ranunculus belong to the genus Ranunculus and are perennial plants native to Europe, Asia and North America. They are known for their showy, colorful flowers and are often prized in gardens and floral arrangements.


Ranunculus have a low, bushy habit and form dense rosettes of leaves. The height can vary depending on the variety, but as a rule they are between 30 and 60 centimeters.


The leaves of the ranunculus are usually palmately lobed and have a shiny, dark green color. They grow from the base of the plant and form an attractive rosette.


Ranunculus' distinctive flowers are large, double and come in a variety of colors including yellow, orange, red, pink, white and purple. They bloom in spring and provide rich, lush flowers.


Ranunculus prefer a sunny to partially shaded location with well-drained soil. They grow best in temperate climates and should be protected from strong winds to avoid damage to the delicate flowers.


Ranunculus require regular watering throughout the growing season to keep the soil evenly moist. They should also be fertilized regularly to promote healthy growth and abundant blooms. Withered flowers should be removed regularly to stimulate the formation of new buds and improve the appearance of the plant.

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We deliver to every private address, every shop or office, every Hospital or rehabilitation Clinic and of course every old age and nursing home in Switzerland. Whether it's a bouquet of flowers, a flower arrangement or roses.

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