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Herkunft Blumen
North America


Holly family (Aquifoliaceae)


Flowering time
May to July

Standort Blumen
Partial shade

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Ilex (holly) is native to various parts of the world including Europe, North America, Asia and North Africa. The genus includes a wide variety of species, from evergreen shrubs to small trees.


The growth of Ilex varies depending on the species and variety. Some species are low-growing ground covers, while others can grow into large, upright shrubs or trees. The height can range from a few centimeters to several meters.


The leaves of Ilex are usually shiny, leathery and dark green in color. They are often serrated or sawn and remain on the plant all year round.


The flowers of Ilex are often inconspicuous and, depending on the species, can be small and whitish to greenish. Many Ilex species are unisexual, meaning that male and female flowers occur on different plants.


Ilex prefers sunny to partially shaded locations with well-drained soil. They thrive best in humus-rich soil that is sufficiently moist but not too wet.


Ilex is a relatively easy plant to care for. It only requires occasional watering, especially during extended dry periods, and can benefit from annual spring fertilization.

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